LFA Blog
How To Raise A Reader
Dyslexia: The Anti-Authoritarian Disease
Free Webinar - Why Aren't They Reading?
When Homework is a Struggle...
Monthly Parent Info Night
Monthly Virtual Parent Info Night
Monthly Virtual Parent Info Night
Reading Strategies for Kids
Parent Info Night: "What is Dyslexia?"
Check out the benefits of personalized learning!
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Virtual Parent Informational Webinar
20 Things Only Parents Of Children With Dyslexia Would Understand
Virtual Parent Informational Webinar
23 Incredible Kids’ Books About Dyslexia to check out today!
Virtual Parent Informational Webinar
Multi Sensory Instruction
Dyslexia Actually Grants Special Powers
Here are some warning signs of anxiety in yourself and others...
Special education experts say New York City's plan to better diagnose and treat dyslexia could be li