This week's focus: Pause and Process
Practice Thinking FIRST before answering to control impulsivity and improve accuracy. Avoid trial and error responses. "Take a moment"...
This week's focus: Pause and Process
This week's focus: Transcendence
This week's focus: EMBRACE CHALLENGE
Thinking Focus
Thinking Focus
This week's focus: Making Comparisons
Thinking Focus
Thinking Focus
This week's focus: Consider Another Point of View
This week's focus: Identify Meaning
This week's focus: Define the Problem
This week's focus: Clear Perception
This week's focus: Hypothetical Thinking
This week's focus: Positive Alternatives
This week's focus: Resilience
This week's focus: Goal Planning
This week's focus: Sharing Behavior
This week's focus: Visual Transport
Thinking Focus - Pause & Process
This week's focus: Transcendence