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In-School Partnerships

Learning For All partners with private schools in San Diego to provide on-campus educational therapy sessions to support students who learn differently.

teacher high fiving student

Our unique partnership program enables us to work with learners during their regular school day and helps us stay connected with teachers and school support staff to ensure comprehensive and collaborative care for our students.

For more information on these programs, visit our partner schools or contact us.

Learn About The In-School Program For Private Schools

Schools we partner with

Maria Montessori School Logo
St. Martin of Tours Academy Logo
Fusion Academy Logo

St. Martin of Tours Academy


Join us for our FREE Parent Webinar!

Tuesday, March 5th, 7:00pm

What Parents and Professionals Say About Learning For All

"Pandemic learning left my son at a disadvantage, and we had neighbors, friends, and school families who had used LFA and had positive experiences. Our on-campus, in-person, 1x1 sessions, carved out during the school day, provided the attention and focus my son needed. Being on-campus really helped keep the learning environment consistent so we could focus on sports and family time at home. We have seen my son’s confidence grow and he has made major strides in catching up from where pandemic learning failed." - B.M mom of 2nd grader

Interested In The In-School Program For Private Schools At Learning For All? Reach Out To Us Today.

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